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在第二季的【誰是接班人The Apprentice】裡
我記下了川普說的這 段話:

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Have I told you lately that I love you 
Have I told you there's no one else above you 
Fill my heart with gladness 
take away all my sadness 
ease my troubles that's what you do 
For the morning sun in all it's glory 
greets the day with hope and comfort too 
You fill my life with laughter 
and somehow you make it better 
ease my troubles that's what you do 
There's a love that's divine 
and it's yours and it's mine like the sun 
And at the end of the day 
we should give thanks and pray 
to the one, to the one 
Have I told you lately that I love you 
Have I told you there's no one else above you 
Fill my heart with gladness 
take away all my sadness 
ease my troubles that's what you do 
There's a love that's divine 
and it's yours and it's mine like the sun 
And at the end of the day 
we should give thanks and pray 
to the one, to the one 
And have I told you lately that I love you 
Have I told you there's no one else above you 
You fill my heart with gladness 
take away my sadness 
ease my troubles that's what you do 
Take away all my sadness 
fill my life with gladness 
ease my troubles that's what you do 
Take away all my sadness 
fill my life with gladness 
ease my troubles that's what you do 

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摘 要
  描述:孔雀族群;貓頭鷹特質最低(+E -C)
  你的評量指出,你是外向、對人友善、重視團隊成積,不計個人得失的人,你會運用你良好的社交手腕或個人的影響力,達成你的目的。你是一個講求速度的行動派,你相當的沒耐心。 你更是一個心胸寬大、充滿自信的冒險家。
你的評量也顯示出,你是不斷創新、率真、不拘泥小節;並且是個抓大方向的通才。 給人的印象是擁有獨立性格的自由思想家,你喜歡將技術性和細節性的工作交付他人執行,除非真的有很強烈的需求動機或必要性,不然你不會自己來。

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